University of Tromsø
The University of Tromsø offers 20 English taught Master’s degree programmes and an increasing number of courses in English. International students can apply in the framework of international exchange programmes such as ERASMUS, North2North, Nordplus, Nordlys, Barentsplus and others. Also free-movers and degree students are most welcome to apply for admission. br>
Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT) tilbyr en rekke studier i marine fag, realfag, kultur- og samfunnsfag, medisin og helsefag og har også mange tverrfaglige tilbud. UiTø utdanner blant annet fiskehelsebiologer, leger, tannleger, farmasøyter, psykologer, jurister, lærere, bibliotekarer, teologer, teknologer, forskere og forfattere.
Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT) tilbyr en rekke studier i marine fag, realfag, kultur- og samfunnsfag, medisin og helsefag og har også mange tverrfaglige tilbud. UiTø utdanner blant annet fiskehelsebiologer, leger, tannleger, farmasøyter, psykologer, jurister, lærere, bibliotekarer, teologer, teknologer, forskere og forfattere.
Life in the High North is shaped by wild nature, contrasting light and weather conditions, geographic distances and multiculturalism. Tromsø is an urban island, surrounded by beautiful nature. The city has a strong multicultural history. As gateway to the Arctic, polar expeditions had their starting point in Tromsø. The indigenous Sami people , with their own language, culture and tradition, have had significant influence on the region.
Today Tromsø is home to people from over 110 nations, and has an astonishing international ambiance. The city hosts various cultural festivals, a vital music scene, concerts, theatres, cinemas and nightlife possibilities. The diversity of Tromsø surprises. You may enjoy your caffè latte downtown or climb a mountain only a few minutes travel from the city. In Tromsø you can experience the energetic atmosphere of the midnight sun in summer and be amazed by spectacular northern lights during the polar night in winter. The region is unique.